Mexican food is delicious, no doubt about it. Among all the variety of exquisite dishes, enchiladas stand out for their flavor combinations. In general, enchilada recipes consist of corn tortillas that are rolled, fried, stuffed and bathed in a spicy sauce. Delicious! However, depending on the region or ingredients, there are different traditional enchilada recipes. […]
Mexican cuisine is an art of creating different spectacular gastronomic dishes that you will definitely want to try. It is a wide variety of dishes made with a lot of love and with the essential touch that all Mexican food possesses. Mexican culinary art is going around the world and opening its horizons to a […]
Prepare them at home and fly with the flavors of agave in drinks. When you think of tequila, you think of Margaritas, but tequila is much more than this cocktail. Perhaps drinking tequila shots now seems to be a little out of fashion. However, there is a new trend where this agave liquor is the […]
Mexican cuisine is one of the most popular worldwide, due to its wide quantity and variety of exquisite dishes, which you will not be able to resist not eating. In Guadalupe Mexicana restaurant in Quebec, the gastronomy is more than just a dish of food. Here you will find different methods, forms and techniques performed […]

C’est au mois de juillet 1989 que Consuelo et Aurora, 2 sœurs venues du Mexique, ont ouvert un petit restaurant dans le but de faire découvrir la culture et les mets mexicains à leur patrie d’adoption. Ayant appris la cuisine de leur mère ainsi qu’une rigueur et une éthique de travail irréprochable, elles se savaient […]

Depuis que nous avons ouverts nos portes, nous avons eu la chance de faire partie de nombreuses chroniques culinaires et sortie dans les médias. Vous pouvez voir certains de ces articles.

Notre décor est inspiré des traditions et de la richesse du peuple mexicain et de sa culture. Plusieurs objets font le délice des amateurs du pays lors de leur visite dans notre restaurent mais ce qui est plus apprécié son nos fresques peintes sur les murs du sol au plafond. fraichement préparé.